MYSTERY CRAFT Eupen, Belgium, 1989 by Patrick Vantuyne (update 4 – June 12. 2010)
This is an update of my personal investigation in Eupen (Dec 9. 1989) no more than two weeks after the sighting, by two sergeant-majors (Belgian gendarmerie), of an airborne triangular “craft/structure” with hover capabilities, three blinding lights pointed downwards and a central pulsating red/orange light source .
I had the opportunity to interview both officers - alone in an office in their casern in Eupen - and also visited, accompanied by them and members of the press, the two major locations of their sighting (see pictures). The second location is well documented in this article but not the first location.Arriving at the first location both witnesses saw an airborne triangular structure floating silently towards them, halting, and finally move away from them in opposite direction after making a impossible manoeuvre. Before moving back in the direction of Eupen the triangular structure did make a flat 180° turn. At a later stadium - in this complex sighting - they chose to move to a second location, a hillside, with unobstructed view on the surroundings (see pictures).
When they saw this airborne structure for the first time they decided to move to a more safe location, away from the main road to Eupen, next to a meadow directly in the anticipated flight path of the intruder. A flat triangular structure, with three blinding lights underneath, kept closing in but came suddenly to a halt, in midair, right in front of them. From this location they had a clear view on the intruder, but no surface details became visible under these extreme light conditions. Only the pulsating red-orange light source, in the centre, revealed some intriguing details. In my personal interview they explained to me that this central light source was extremely complex in nature, hard to describe. I insisted to make an effort and finally they both agreed they saw something like a rotating torus hanging underneath a dark surface. This torus was bathing in a yellow/reddish glow with something moving inside. It was as if a pulsating light, or blob, was circling inside this circular tube/torus, they told me.
Clearly Heinrich and Hubert had a hard time explaining to me what they really saw, at the time, unable to compare it with something known. Still under impression they agreed upon this remarkable details and also the fact that this rotating structure was, in their opinion, not really connected to the central part of the main body. Reading original reports I came to the conclusion that this central light source was even more complex and did sometimes behave in a complex way according to some witnesses of this triangular “craft”. Some of them revealed that they saw the red central sphere move away from the main body to come closer or, in some cases, just fly away. One of those witnesses was police officer Dieter Plummans (also member of the gendarmerie).
Coming soon, derived from the original reports, more witnesses describing this complex phenomenon (solitary light ball)
click pictures to enlarge
PIC - 1 The major witnesses, Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert Von Montigny, with members of the press, on a small hill near Membach (second location) (Inserted close ups are made at the first location) In chasing the ”triangle” they lost sight of it and choose this location known for his unobstructed view on the surroundings
PIC - 2 Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert Von Montigny pointing to the press in the direction where they saw a stationary formation of lights behind the tree line in view. In their statement they stated that, to their amazement, these lights suddenly moved upwards. Once the lights cleared the tree line they recognized the triangular structure they were chasing in the first place.
PIC - 3 Later that evening I went back to this location to make me an impression of the surroundings after sunset. Visible to the left, on the horizon, we see a tower in floodlights with a public belvedere on top of it. This tower is positioned next to a hydroelectric dam on the Gillepe. In this direction, somewhat to the left of the tower, and just arriving at this location, both police officers witnessed a strange lightshow low in the sky. This show consisted of a central stationary light producing two horizontal red beams slowly expanding in opposite directions, and retracting, over and over again. (This part of the sighting is investigated in depth by Professor Meessen – see link) (It’s my plan to reveal more details of this complex sighting in the near future)
Close up of the tower with belvedere (the base of the tower is not visible due to a tree line) This belvedere was not yet open to the public at the time. Also visible in this picture, somewhatlower, we can see the top of the church in Membach
I choose to take pictures on both locations and was, due to this activity, not always able to listen in to the verbal explanations to the press, by Heinrich and Hubert. Perhaps it was not a good idea to leave my car behind in the casern in Eupen. I choose to join the photographer in his car because now I was able to speak with both protagonist, Heinrich and Hubert, present in the backseats of his car. But once on location I had a hard time listen in, ask questions, and take pictures all at once.
Due to this, and the time pressure, a few major errors slipped into my first report. I stated in this report that no light, coming from the lights in each corner, were visible in the atmosphere and also no light, coming from them, on the ground. Later I learned that the opposite was true. Even in the freezing temperatures, and dry air conditions at the time, three well defined cones were clearly visible and also their effect on the ground.
This - partly flawed - report is now circling the internet but with my name removed. A that time, I was the only Flemish investigator (and still I am) able to interview Heinrich and Hubert in their casern, in Eupen, and on location. Immediately after my investigation in Eupen I made contact with SOBEPS “Société Belge d’Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux” in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. At the time this was the only organisation, in the French part of our country, doing research on this kind of sightings, working close together with scientist and universities. Working on location, in an office of the local press, this organisation was able to interview hundreds of witnesses claiming having seen the same structure floating in the sky, the same night Heinrich and Hubert were chasing this intruder of unknown origin.
SOBEPS cease to exist end 2007. In 2009, with the original rapports at hand, co-founder Patrick Ferryn chose to partly resurrect SOBEPS, labelling it COBEPS this time.