In 1958 the French governement decided to build a new business-center near Paris. The old Paris had to be protected agains the demolition of the old classical historical buildings in the French capitol. To solve this, an area of 1.500.000 m2 was chosen outside Paris to build new and modern business-city. The project started in 1958 but runned on cruise-control in 1964. The full expansion was seen in the eighties. For the biggest and most wellknown architects of the world, La Défense became a big unlimited playground. Now the area is grown to 3 milion square meters.20.000 peaple live here. 400.000 people work here in super-modern offices, banks, hotels, business centers and a commercial center of more than 300 shops. No traffic. Roads ended here at the 40.000 underground parking lots. A new metro-line was build for the flood of businessmen, visitors and tourists. La grande Arche is a huge frame (100m in hight) that is the home of the largest library. It's stand on geographic line with the Arc de Triomphe, Place de La Concorde and Le Louvre. On wednesday july 18th, 2007, I visited La Défense with my FujiPixS5000-camera. Here and there, It's seems to be images of an other planet but this is La Défense. This is real!